Crete shot on cheap film
All images were shot using a Canon EOS3 and a Mju ll. Film developed and scanned by me at home at Ward Labs.
Worcestershire Documentary Wedding Photographer.
All images were shot using a Canon EOS3 and a Mju ll. Film developed and scanned by me at home at Ward Labs.
All images shot with a Mju ll point & shoot camera. Film used was Poundland (Agfa Vista 200)
I shot this of my daughter Amber (who seldom lets me take a picture of her any more) on Brean sands where we spent the weekend at 8:30am this morning and it was developed and scanned by early afternoon on returning home even before we started unpacking.
Bronica ETRSi- Kodak Portra 400
olympus om-10/ hp5+/ dev'd at home.
My first roll of XP2 shot with the super sharp point-and-shoot Mju ll. Processed and scanned at the Max Spielman Lab.
I'm a film newb! Heres a selection of 35mm film shot with two different film cameras recently purchased from eBay one of which cost me all of £8. Rolls were developed and scanned at Max Spielman which provided a great service and price that I would like to thank a Mr H Gill of worcester for the heads up!